For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematics. - Roger Bacon
Mathematics is the means of looking at the patterns that make up our world and the intricate and beautiful ways in which they are constructed and realised.
Mathematics contributes to the school curriculum by developing pupils’ abilities to calculate; to reason logically, algebraically, and geometrically; to solve problems and to handle data. Mathematics is important for pupils in many other areas of study, particularly Science and Technology. It is also important in everyday living, in many forms of employment, and in public decision-making. As a subject in its own right, Mathematics presents frequent opportunities for creativity, and can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a problem is solved for the first time, or a more elegant solution to a problem is discovered, or when hidden connections suddenly manifest.
Mathematics at a Glance
Years 7 & 8:
Students explore key elements of Mathematics in preparation for beginning the GCSE course in Year 9. Topics in number, algebra, handling data and shape and space are covered. Students study a range of topics within each area including fractions, decimals, percentages, graphs, equations, formulae, volume, area, averages and statistical diagrams.
Years 9-11:
Students begin to study the Higher Edexcel GCSE course in Year 9 which covers grades 4-9. A Foundation Tier examination is also possible (covering grades 1-5) and a decision on entries is made after mock examinations in Year 11.
The table below illustrates the topic areas covered in this qualification and the topic area weightings for the assessment of the Foundation tier and the assessment of the Higher tier.
The final assessment comprises 3 papers:
Years 12 -13 A level Mathematics and A level Further Mathematics
Students can choose A Level Mathematics in the sixth form as one option.
Students can choose Further Mathematics which occupies 2 option choices as they cover the A level course in Year 12 and the Further Mathematics course in Year 13.
Our Most Able and Talented mathematicians are invited to participate in the UKMT Junior, Intermediate and Senior Challenges. Gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded with the opportunity to progress to the Kangaroo and Olympiad stages of the competition.
In addition, a small selection of students are chosen to enter the Team Maths Challenge (Years 8 and 9) and the Senior Team Challenge (Years 11-13) each year. The Team Challenges give students the opportunity to tackle a variety of engaging mathematical activities while developing teamwork and communication skills.
Maths club is open to all Year groups and gives the opportunity to tackle problems and puzzles outside of the usual curriculum.
To keep up to date with all of our latest news and activities of the New Hall Mathematics department please follow @NewHallMaths on Twitter