Computer Science
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine. - Alan Turing
Computer Science is the fastest growing employment industry in the country. The world revolves around technology and every career irrespective of industry requires competency with technology. Whether you want to be an economist, physicist or a coder, understanding Computer Science will be a benefit. GCSE Computer Science will allow you to develop your logical, lateral and computational thinking skills. Added to this, you will enhance your creativity and resilience through coding. The study of Computer Science complements most areas of study but in particular Mathematics, Physics, Economics and creative studies.
Course Details
AQA Computer Science 8525
GCSE Computer Science helps you think about how technology is created. It allows you to understand how people work together with computers to develop world changing programs like Facebook, Spotify and eBay. Computational logic or puzzle solving is the bedrock of the subject. You will learn to program in Python which will allow you to access all object orientated programming languages. The discipline is the fourth Science and is a STEM subject. This means it is an academic, theoretical course with practical application. Some of the areas of study will include cyber security, logic gates, radix of numbers and programming.
The qualification of Computer Science has been developed in conjunction with major technology companies, such as Microsoft, Google and Cisco. The British Computer Society (BCS) and other professional organisations have ensured the content has been rigorously tested against the industry standards of today.