
A Show to Remember: ‘We Will Rock You’

Date Posted: Monday 13 February 2023

“The entire company of We Will Rock You thanks every one of you who came to support, who clapped and chanted and who gave standing ovations at the end of all four performances. The cast of 55 and many other students helping with stage crew, costumes and make-up, sound, lights and video projections became a strong collaborative community to do the incredible songs of Queen and slightly ridiculous story by Ben Elton justice. Audiences were transported to a globalised future without musical instruments and witnessed a few rock rebels fight against the all-powerful Globalsoft company and its ruthless boss, Killer Queen. I am extremely grateful to parents, friends and families who have supported company members in what has been an intense time of rehearsals and preparation. The show sold incredibly quickly, and our only regret was that we could not fit more people into the theatre. However, we look forward to welcoming you back in the Trinity Term for another production, details of which will be shared after the half term break.” – Mr Williams